1. Vertical Jumps with rotation of the body on 180°, as well as 360°
2. "Cabriole" (forward, side, backwards); arch
3. "Scissor" Leaps witd switch of legs in various positions; in ring
4. Pike jump. Straddle jumps.
5. "Cossack" Legs in various positions; in ring
6. Ring
7. "Fouetté" Legs in various position
8. "Entrelacé". Legs in various positions
9. Split and stag leaps in: ring; withback bend; with trunk rotation. These Jumps/Leaps, performed with take-off from 1 or 2 feet, are considered asdifferent Difficulties.In case of take-off 2 feet, the arrow should be added below the Jump symbol
10. Turning split leaps -legs in various positions, according criteria
11. "Butterfly"
1. "Passé". Free leg below horizontal with body bent forward or backward
2. Free leg at the horizontal in different directions, body bent forwards, backwards, sideways
3. Free leg high up in different directions; body at the horizontal level or below, with or without help
4. Fouetté (min. 3 different shapes without help of the hands, on "relevé" (every time with heel support) with a minimum of 1 turn of 90° or 180° ). Each Balance shape must be clearly fixed.
5. "Cossack:" free leg at: horizontal level; high up; with gymnast changing level
6. Balances with support on various parts of the body
7. Dynamic balance with full body wave
8. Dynamic balance with or without leg movement with support on various parts of the body.
"Passé". Free leg below horizontal,body bent forward or backward; Spiral turn with wave ("tonneau")
2. Free leg straight or bent on the horizontal level; body bent on the horizontal level.
3. Free leg high up with or without help; body bent on the horizontal level or below horizontal
4. "Cossack" (free leg on the horizontal level); body bent forwards.
5. "Fouetté"
6. "Illusion" forward, side, backwards; Spiral turn with full body wave; "penché" rotation